ACER Higher Ability Selection Test (HAST)
Terms and conditions for test candidates

Notice: This contract between The Australian Council for Educational Research Ltd (ABN 19 004 398 145) (“ACER”) and yourself (“You” “Yourself”) (“the Parties”) as parent or guardian of Your child as candidate (“Candidate”) for the ACER HAST (“Contract”) should be read carefully.

By submitting Your application You are agreeing to the matters listed below.

This Contract is legally enforceable and you should seek Your own legal advice concerning the Contract.





  1. Your use of this Online Application Facility will be governed by this Contract;
  2. The Candidate meets the requirements for eligibility to sit the ACER HAST set out on the ACER webpage and the webpage of the school applied to;
  3. In the event of the ACER HAST being compromised or having to be cancelled due to circumstances beyond ACER’s control it may be necessary for You to re-sit the ACER HAST on a date and a testing venue to be specified by ACER;
  4. Not to use or divulge to any third party information concerning the test questions in the ACER HAST for Your own or any third party’s personal or commercial gain;
  5. You agree that ACER may withhold test results for any Candidate found to have engaged in misconduct or disruptive behaviour in the sitting of the ACER HAST;
  6. Not to publish any specific part or aspect of the content of ACER HAST. This includes on the internet, in any digital format or other format;
  7. That the information You give in Your application for application for the ACER HAST is true and correct;
  8. That any personal information You provide in respect of Your application for ACER HAST may be used by ACER for:
    1. All purposes connected with administering ACER HAST;
    2. Research purposes;
    3. Provision to educational institutions in respect of which test results will be provided; and
    4. Identifying any misconduct and candidates who may have engaged in misconduct in respect of this Contract or the sitting of the ACER HAST;
  9. That You are the parent or guardian of the Candidate whose name and address appears on the application form;
  10. You agree that ACER may refuse You access to this Online Application Facility at any time in its sole discretion.



  1. Any Personal Information ACER collects by way of this Online Application Facility will be maintained in accordance with ACER's Privacy Policy and the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth);
  2. A refund request for application fees paid made prior to the close of application date will incur an administration fee of $15. Refund requests made after the close of application date will incur a $50 administration fee. It is at the discretion of the school applied to if any additional fees paid will be refunded. During peak times it may take ACER up to two weeks to process refund requests.



  1. This Contract shall be construed in accordance with and shall be governed by the laws in force in the State of Victoria;
  2. You irrevocably submit to and accept the exclusive jurisdiction of any of the Courts of the State of Victoria or the Commonwealth of Australia and any courts of appeal from these courts.